
We provide tailored solutions to achieve the outcomes that are important to you


We take the time to understand where our clients want to go


Our collaborative approach provides assurance that your advisory board consists of the right expertise

Why choose One Advisory Wealth Management?

One Advisory Wealth Management (OAWM) provides holistic and customised financial advice to individuals and families. We recognise that each person’s individual circumstances are unique and we provide tailored solutions to achieve the outcomes that are important to you.

Our clients benefit from our diverse experience and comprehensive knowledge of investments, wealth creation and risk mitigation strategies. To us, it’s about more than just the numbers. We take the time to understand where our clients want to go and we are by their sides every step of the way.

With an expert team of professionals at the forefront of the industry, you can trust OAWM to support you all the way to achieving your personal financial goals.

Wealth Accumulation

Investment Portfolios
When it comes to building strong portfolios, we take a global view. Our investment selection process focuses on investments based on asset class, investment sectors, global regions and industries. This diversified approach allows you to take less risk and achieve better long-term returns.
Superannuation Strategies
Choosing the most appropriate superannuation fund can be an ordeal and it is common to become overwhelmed by the many options. One Advisory Wealth Management can help you select the right type of super as well as advise on the most suitable strategy for your needs. Superannuation offers a myriad of ways to accumulate wealth in a tax-effective way, whether you are approaching retirement age or new to the work force – there are benefits for everyone.
Self Managed Super Funds (SMSF)
SMSFs are very popular as they offer the greatest amount of flexibility and control. Depending on your stage of life, a SMSF can provide significant value and peace of mind when optimised to suit your individual circumstances. We work closely with tax advisors to determine whether a SMSF is a suitable solution for you.
Tax Planning
Taxation is a vast area and is traditionally managed by a dedicated tax accountant. We complement this approach by considering tax when devising your wealth accumulation strategy. We examine tax structures, types of investments and the related tax concessions that are on offer. By tapping into considerable tax savings, you can achieve your objectives much sooner than expected.

Wealth Protection

An insurance policy provides you with the opportunity to transfer risks such as death, disability and illness to an insurer. One Advisory Wealth Management can help you identify the significant risks to be considered and help you make an informed decision about which risks you would like to transfer to an insurer.
Estate Planning
We all work hard so that our loved ones can have a safe and secure future. A well-drafted estate plan provides you and your family with protection and long-term tax benefits, so unforeseen events do not jeopardise your family’s financial wellbeing.
Debt Management
Professional debt management can provide the same financial outcomes as a well-performing investment return. Based on your circumstances, it may be necessary to distinguish between good debt, which may provide tax benefits and bad debt, which may offer no tax benefits. Establishing and managing debt as a priority can save you thousands of dollars and many hours of lost sleep!

Our collaborative approach

Every one of our clients is unique! Our first step is always to get to know you, understand your needs and get a clear vision of your goals. This process in not just about the numbers – we find out what makes you tick, what gets you out of bed in the morning and how we can help you thrive.

We meet your individual needs by creating a bespoke strategy to determine where you are now and where you would like to go. We will get there by working collaboratively and guiding you through the ever-changing economic and political landscape.

Laying a solid foundation ensures your peace of mind, knowing that you and your loved ones are being offered the right solutions for your personal circumstances. Our focus is on you, so you can focus on what is most important.

To realise your financial goals, you need the right people on your team. One Advisory Wealth Management works closely with other experts in their fields, including but not limited to:

  • Tax Advisors/Accountants
  • Solicitors
  • Lending specialists

Our collaborative approach provides assurance that your advisory board consists of the right expertise to best advise on your individual circumstances.


One Advisory Wealth Management
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One Advisory Wealth Management Pty Ltd is a Corporate Authorised Representative (AR #001284169) of Thornton Group (Australia) Pty Ltd.
AFSL 223670 | ABN 88 101 789 226 | Level 1 104 Frome Street ADELAIDE | P 08 8229 2260 | F 08 8229 2299
Thornton Group (Australia) Pty Ltd trading as Thornton Group holds an Australian Financial Services Licence (No 223 670)